Open Fusion RPM Repository

Updated 2014-09-26 for CentOS 7.

Over the last few years I've built up quite a collection of packages for CentOS, and distribute them via a yum repository. They're typically packages that aren't included in DAG/RPMForge when I need them, so I just build them myself. In case they're useful to other people, this post documents the repository locations, and how you can get setup to make use of it yourself.

Obligatory Warning: this is a personal repository, so it's primarily for packages I want to use myself on a particular platform i.e. coverage is uneven, and packages won't be as well tested as a large repository like RPMForge. Also, I routinely build packages that replace core packages, so you'll want the repo disabled by default if that concerns you. Use at your own risk, packages may nuke your system and cause global warming, etc. etc.


To add the Open Fusion repository to your yum configuration, just install the following 'openfusion-release' package:

# CentOS 5:
sudo rpm -Uvh
# CentOS 6:
sudo rpm -Uvh
# CentOS 7:
sudo rpm -Uvh

And here are the openfusion-release packages as links:

Feedback and suggestions are welcome. Packaging requests are also welcome, particularly when they involve my wishlist. ;-)
